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We are delighted that after a two day inspection, our HMI Inspector, Mr Gavin Somerfield, concluded that we are still a good school.
I hope you enjoy reading this report as we feel it truly reflects us all at Sacred Heart. Every day we witness our whole school community of children, parents, staff, families and parish following our mission statement “Everyone is Sacred.”
In February 2016 Sacred Heart were inspected by the Diocese of Plymouth on behalf of OFSTED. The inspection focused on our school as a catholic community including the teaching of RE as a core subject. As a Catholic school we were judged as:
1. ‘If I, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you are also to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you should also do as I have done to you.’ John 13 14-15
This is the highest judgement that a Catholic school can be awarded. It is a great achievement for Sacred Heart in its mission to serve the children and adults within our Catholic community.
If you would like to read the school inspection report, please click on the link below.
Ofsted Website Information
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