

Phonics is an incredibly important part of your child’s learning, as it is the first stepping stone to enable your child to become a reader. The teaching of phonics begins in Nursery, but this learning becomes more rigorous and structured in Reception and Year 1. In the Summer term of Year 1, the children complete a national phonics screening test to determine your child’s ability to decode letters and sounds in order to read words. This is a very important checkpoint, as it assesses whether your child is meeting age related expectations in reading.   Please click here to view the Phonics Screening Workshop’ powerpoint.  Please click the links below for further resources
Phonics Scheme

We follow the Read, Write Inc. phonics programme throughout the school. For more information please visit http://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/

If you have any questions or queries regarding phonics or the screening, please see the Year 1 teachers as we will be more than happy to help.

Below is a list of websites that will help your child develop their knowledge of phonics.